Old Log Church Museum Exhibits
The Artists
Sewing and beading was part of daily life for the women of Old Crow. And they excelled at it. When the Women's Auxiliary gathered, they often sewed while they visited. The life of an Old Crow woman was not easy. When your food and materials come mostly from the land, there was little idle time.Yet the garments they made were both useful and beautiful, reflecting the wonderful shapes and colours of the landscape, plants and animals around them. Many of the men of the community were gifted artists as well. Although their skills tended toward snowshoes, boats and tools, some also sewed.
Featured here are images of some the artists who created the items in the Exham Collection.

Martha John Charlie, Myra Kaye, Myra Moses, and Ellen Bruce, Old Crow Women's Auxilary Collection

Library and Archives Canada, Marg and Roy Hall fonds

Corporal Kirk coll.

Yukon Archives, Richard Harrington coll.

Yukon Archives, Rev. Hamilton coll.

YA, Rev. Hamilton coll.

Diquemare coll.

Sarah Abel holding a caribou skin in front of her tent. YA, Richard Harrington coll.

Liza Ben Kassi, Myra Kaye, Mary Charlie, Clara Frost, Maggie Itsi, Sarah Balaam, Unknown, Unknown, Margaret Blackfox,Myra Moses, Martha Kendi, Ellen Bruce, unknown, Caroline Moses, Joanne Njootli, Persis Kendi, Rev. Julius Kendi. Corporal Kirk coll.